javascript Reacting to the Virtual World

javascript mega book, javascript Reacting to the Virtual World

Your brain on JavaScript. You’re sitting around trying to learn something, but your brain keeps telling you all that learning isn’t important.Your brain’s saying,
“Better leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked water skiing is a bad idea.” So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life really depends on learning JavaScript?

Who is this book for? 
xxiv We know what you’re thinking
Metacognition xxvii
Bend your brain into submission xxix
Read me xxx
The technical review team
xxxii Acknowledgments xxxiii
table of contents

the interactive web 

Reacting to the Virtual World
Tired of thinking of the Web in terms of passive pages?
Been there, done that. They’re called books. And they’re good for reading, learning...
lots of good things. But they’re not interactive. And neither is the Web without a
little help from JavaScript. Sure, you can submit a form and maybe do a trick here
and there with some crafty HTML and CSS coding, but you’re really just playing
Weekend at Bernie’s propping up a lifeless web page. Real live interactivity requires
a bit more smarts and a little more work... but it has a much bigger payoff.
(Online) people have needs 2
Like talking to a brick wall... nothing happens 3
But JavaScript talks back 4
Lights, camera, interaction! 6
Use the <script> tag to tell the browser you’re writing JavaScript 11
Your web browser can handle HTML, CSS, AND JavaScript 12
Man’s virtual best friend... needs YOUR help 15
Making iRock interactive 16
Create the iRock web page 17
Test drive 17
JavaScript events: giving the iRock a voice 18
Alerting the user with a function 19
Add the iRock greeting 20
Now let’s make the iRock really interactive 22
Interaction is TWO-way communication 23
Add a function to get the user’s name 24
Instant replay: what just happened? 27
Test drive iRock 1.0 28

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